Ohio Valley Grain Exchange

Farm to Table —

Whether you are a Farmer, a Miller, a Maltster, a Brewer, a Distiller, a Baker, or just enjoy all things grain - we are here to connect one another.

Our story

The Ohio Valley Grain Exchange (OVGE) is an emerging alliance of farmers, maltsters, millers, bakers, distillers, brewers, research and extension specialists, and other members of the grain value chain. OVGE began with an experiment in 2014 to answer the question “can bakers source bread flour from Kentucky-grown wheat?”. That experiment continues to this day, but we have expanded to include distillers, brewers, anyone who uses KY grains.

Array of baked goods falling into basket.

Contact Us

Baker flouring bread

Be a Part of the Movement —

Please let us know if you would like more information on how to be a part of the Ohio Valley Grain Exchange.